Few weeks ago, Azure Private Link was announced GA for Azure Storage, Azure SQL and Azure CosmosDB and more recently for Azure Database for MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MySQL. And actually Private AKS cluster with Azure Private Link just became GA too. Azure Private Link includes two concepts: Private Endpoint and Private Link Service. With this blog article we won’t discuss about Private Link Service.

I would like to leverage Azure Private Link to protect the Azure Blob Storage account used to store the TF State of my Terraform deployment.
For this I have leveraged a combination of the following resources:

First let’s create the Azure Storage account (if you don’t have one yet):

az group create \
    -n $rg \
    -l $location
storageAccountId=$(az storage account create -g $rg -n $storageName --sku Standard\_LRS --kind StorageV2 --encryption-services blob --query id -o tsv)

Then let’s create the VNET and Subnet we will put the Azure Storage account into (if you don’t have one yet):

az network vnet create \
    -n $vnetName \
    -g $rg \
    --subnet-name $subnetName

Now, we need to create the Azure Private Endpoint bound to our Azure Storage account:

az network vnet subnet update \
    -n $subnetName \
    -g $rg \
    --vnet-name $vnetName \
    --disable-private-endpoint-network-policies true  
az network private-endpoint create \
    -n $privateEndpointName \
    -g $rg \
    --vnet-name $vnetName \
    --subnet $subnetName \
    --private-connection-resource-id $storageAccountId \
    --group-id blob \
    --connection-name $privateEndpointName  
az storage account update \
    -g $rg \
    -n $storageName \
    --default-action Deny  

Finally, we need to create a Private DNS for this Azure Storage and create an association link with the VNET:

az network private-dns zone create \
    -g $rg \
    -n $zoneName
az network private-dns link vnet create \
    -g $rg \
    --zone-name $zoneName \
    -n $privateDnsName \
    --virtual-network $vnetName \
    --registration-enabled false
networkInterfaceId=$(az network private-endpoint show -n $privateEndpointName -g $rg --query 'networkInterfaces[0].id' -o tsv)
privateIpAddress=$(az resource show --ids $networkInterfaceId --api-version 2019-04-01 --query properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.privateIPAddress -o tsv)
az network private-dns record-set a create \
    -n $storageName \
    --zone-name $zoneName \
    -g $rg
az network private-dns record-set a add-record \
    --record-set-name $storageName \
    --zone-name $zoneName \
    -g $rg \
    -a $privateIpAddress

Here you are, with all the above commands, your Azure Storage account is not anymore accessible publicly but now only by who has access to its VNET:

In my case, like illustrated in my Terraform deployment, I’m leveraging my own custom and private Azure Pipelines Agent as a Docker container deployed on my AKS cluster in the same VNET or on a peered VNET. FYI, there is limitations with Azure Web App for Containers or Azure Container Instances (ACI) which don’t support 1/ build docker container images on Docker + 2/ like described here they don’t support internal name resolution which won’t work with the Private DNS setup required by Azure Private Endpoints.

Complementary resources:

Hope you enjoyed this blog article and this walk-through process to secure your Azure Blob Storage account hosting your Terraform State files.

Stay safe! Cheers!