Two weeks ago I did my first Capture The Flag (CTF) during the first time I (e-)attend a KubeCon conference.

Doing this remotely is definitely not the same feeling as I would have experienced in an in-person event. Nonetheless my KubeCon experience was awesome, I learned a lot and I really loved the energy and the momentum from the entire communities (organizers, speakers, sponsors, attendees, etc.). I felt that the focus around Kubernetes is more about how to simplify the developers versus operators experience (buildpacks, kustomize, gitops, tye, cdk, etc.) and to democratize security (opa/gatekeeper, falco, eBPF, etc.) around Kubernetes. If you are interested in reading great summaries from this event, I found very insightful the following resources:

Note: here are all the on-demand sessions from KubeCon NA 2020, enjoy! ;).

You could also watch this KubeCon NA 2020 Wrap Up Panel where David McKay is with his all star panel guests, they are discussing all the major news and talking about their favourite talks; giving you everything you need to know in a friendly one hour session:

As I have been educating myself more and more about security, especially around Kubernetes, during KubeCon I mostly focused my time on sessions related to Security. Here are 2 announcements I’m really excited about:

On Nov 20th, the last day of KubeCon NA 2020, the SIG-Honk AMA panel: Hacking and Hardening in the Cloud Native Garden was really informative. This group of friends and longtime Kubernetes security SMEs brought their unique perspectives and experience with securing, attacking, and deploying cloud native infrastructure to form ”sig-HONK,” an unofficial Special Interest Group focused on changing the way we think about and practice security in distributed systems. Related topics:

On Nov 17th I e-attended one of the co-located (i.e. extra pre-day) events: the Cloud Native Security Day. An entire day of sessions dedicated to Security with Kubernetes, amazing! But what was even more amazing is something I discovered the same day that a Capture The Flag (CTF) was happening throughout the day! What!? Yep! For people like me who are eager to learn by having hands-on experience, what a good fit!

Fun, education, no ranking, fast feedback and support with a dedicated Slack channel.

In these Attack scenarios, we’re going to be doing a lot of things that can be crimes if done without permission. Today, you have permission to perform these kinds of attacks against your assigned training environment. In the real world, use good judgment. Don’t hurt people, don’t get yourself in trouble. Only perform security assessments against your own systems, or with written permission from the owners.

The organizers of this CTF did a great job and were very responsive on Slack to provide guidance and supports (yes, I needed a lot of tips, but that’s ok, I went out of my comfort zone, that was the intent). All the experience started here: From there, we went through 6 scenarios, ~1h each. With each scenario we act as an attacker already in a breached container, and from there we needed to find associated flags.

I won’t go all the scenario one-by-one but instead will summarize commands an attacker will run: id; uname -a; cat /etc/lsb-release /etc/redhat-release /etc/os-release; ps faux; df; mount; curl --version; wget --version. From there they could see what they could do:

  • which distrib is running?
  • am I root?
  • is there any process I could look at, like a database or anyting else sensitive cat /proc/$PID/environ?
  • are curl or wget already installed?
  • am I on a container? on kubernetes? is it a recent version of Kubernetes curl -k https://${KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST}:${KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT}/version?
  • is the serviceaccount mounted? what is ls /var/run/secrets/ telling me? Which actions can I do kubectl auth can-i --list, kubectl auth can-i create pods?
  • is the docker.sock mounted? can I leverage few docker commands to get more sensitive information or even move laterally?
  • do I already know the INTERNAL-IP of a Node? If yes, what curl http://NODE-IP:10255/pods | jq . is giving me?

More advanced scenario attackers will try, could be:

  • Install amicontained to find out what container runtime is being used as well as features available: cd /tmp; curl -L -o amicontained; chmod 555 amicontained; ./amicontained
  • Install Docker if docker.sock is mounted to get control on the host: curl -fsSL -o; docker ps; docker inspect; docker exec...
  • Install kubectl to interact with the API server: export PATH=/tmp:$PATH; cd /tmp; curl -LO; chmod 555 kubectl

You could now play around on your own with these above commands with an ubuntu container on a given Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl run test -i --tty --rm --image ubuntu

So let’s now talk about how to prevent and avoid such exploits, here are few tips we could leverage for our own security posture with our own containers running on Kubernetes:

  • don’t let any curl or wget components in your container if possible to prevent an attacker downloading files
  • don’t use privileged pod to prevent running as root and avoiding attacker installing tools in there
  • don’t mount the serviceaccount in your pod if you don’t need it
  • setup networking policies to restrict to the least minimum ingress and egress rules for your pods
  • setup proper resources limits on your deployments could prevent more activities with unusual cpu and memory usage

Now you could deploy the same ubuntu container but with more security features, illustrated below, and from there, you could try again the above commands from an attacker perspective (tl,dr their live will be more complicated ;)):

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: test2
    app: test2
      app: test2
        app: test2
      serviceAccountName: default
      automountServiceAccountToken: false
        fsGroup: 1000
        runAsGroup: 1000
        runAsNonRoot: true
        runAsUser: 1000
        - name: test2
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
                - all
            privileged: false
            readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
          image: ubuntu
            - "sleep"
            - "604800"
            - containerPort: 8080
              cpu: 100m
              memory: 64Mi
              cpu: 200m
              memory: 128Mi
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: denyall
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress
  - Egress
kubectl exec -it ubuntu-xxx -- bash

On my end, that’s kind of setup and security posture I have been taking, here are more examples I have documented about this:

Complementary to this, here are other security features I’m leveraging with my Kubernetes cluster to add extra security layers:

From there I was excited to do some research around other materials I could leverage to learn more about CTF or Attacker/Defender scenario with Kubernetes, here are other interesting resources on that regard:

Further and complementary resources:

Security is a shared responsibility: your code, your containers and your Kubernetes clusters are not secured by default, let’s democratize security since day 0 at the different levels and layers of your IT solutions!

Hope you enjoyed that one, stay safe, happy sailing and happy honking! ;)
