Updated on August 2nd, 2022 with the official support of OCI format for Helm since 3.8.0, not experimental anymore.

Google Artifact Registry is great to securely store and manage container images but we could do more with its supported formats. One of the use case could be to store your own Helm charts, or more generically any OCI artifacts, that you could reuse and share privately in your company, accross different projects, etc.

In this blog article we’ll see 2 options to store and interact with your OCI artifacts and Artifact Registry:

Helm CLI

Let’s see in actions how we could store our own Helm chart in Google Artifact Registry!

# Info of your existing Artifact Registry

# Create a repository dedicated to your helm charts in Artifact Registry
gcloud artifacts repositories create $repository \
    --project $project \
    --location $region \
    --repository-format docker

# If you don't have your own Helm chart yet, you could create it like this:
helm create $chart

# Package the Helm chart:
helm package $chart --version 0.1.0

# For authentication, we'll use Artifact Registry credentials configured for Docker
gcloud auth configure-docker $region-docker.pkg.dev
# Other options are documented here: https://cloud.google.com/artifact-registry/docs/helm/authentication

# Push the chart in Artifact Registry:
helm push $chart-0.1.0.tgz oci://$region-docker.pkg.dev/$project/$repository

# Verify the chart is there:
gcloud artifacts docker images list $region-docker.pkg.dev/$project/$repository/$chart
gcloud artifacts files list \
    --project $project \
    --location $region \
    --repository $repository

# Pull the chart back:
mkdir tmp
helm pull oci://$region-docker.pkg.dev/$project/$repository/$chart \
    -d tmp
# You could add the --untar parameter too    
ls tmp

# Not part of this article, but from here you could also deploy this chart in your Kubernetes clusters via `helm upgrade|install`...

Wonderful! Isn’t it!? But that’s not all…

Oras CLI

Now let’s push any file as an Open Container Initiative (OCI) Artifact. For this we need a generic client able to push an OCI format compliant file to the registry, here comes OCI Registry As Storage (ORAS).

Let’s see it in actions by pushing a simple .txt file (you need to install the oras CLI, you could find the options to install it here):

# Create a dedicated repository
gcloud artifacts repositories create $repository \
    --project $project \
    --location $region \
    --repository-format docker

# Let's have a file
echo "Here is a file!" > first-file.txt

# For authentication, we'll use Artifact Registry credentials configured for Docker
gcloud auth configure-docker $region-docker.pkg.dev

# Push the file in Artifact Registry:
oras push \
    $region-docker.pkg.dev/$project/$repository/my-artifact:v1 \

# Verify the chart is there:
gcloud artifacts docker images list $region-docker.pkg.dev/$project/$repository/my-artifact
gcloud artifacts files list \
    --project $project \
    --location $region \
    --repository $repository

# Pull the file back:
rm first-file.txt
oras pull \
cat first-file.txt

# Let's add more files in this artifact
echo "Here is a second file!" > second-file.txt
mkdir subfolder
echo "Here is a third file!" > subfolder/third-file.txt
oras push \
    $region-docker.pkg.dev/$project/$repository/my-artifact:v2 \
    first-file.txt second-file.txt subfolder/

And that’s it! That’s how easily you could securely store and share any files in an OCI format across your company, teams and projects! ;)

Complementary and further resources:

Hope you enjoyed that one, cheers!