advanced aks cluster setup with terraform

let’s see advanced terraform templates around my aks cluster setup
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setup a performant aks cluster

let’s highlight tips & tricks about the setup of an aks cluster to make it more performant as its getting more and more containers at scale
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private aks and private acr, safer you are

let’s setup azure private endpoint for both azure kubernetes service (aks) and azure container registry (acr)
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protect your terraform state files with azure private endpoints for azure storage

let’s leverage azure private endpoint to protect the azure blob storage account used to store the terraform state file
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my own custom and private azure pipelines agent as a docker container

let’s build a custom linux container image as an azure pipelines agent
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buildah, a tool to facilitate building oci container images

let’s build your own oci container images with buildah
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podman, a daemonless container engine

let’s have a look at podman, a daemonless container engine
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flexible kured deployment with its helm chart

let’s be more flexible while deploying kured thanks to its helm chart
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my bot just became a cloud native app

let’s leverage docker, helm, kubernetes and terraform to make your bot app more cloud native
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scanning container images for vulnerabilities in acr with asc

let’s use azure security center (asc) to scan your containers in azure container registry (acr)
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ignite 2019, what’s new with containers and kubernetes on azure?

let’s see what has been announced around the containers technologies at the microsoft ignite conference 2019
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kubernetes network policies, how to secure the communications between your pods

let’s secure the communications between your pods with calico kubernetes network policies
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a recipe to deploy your azure resources with terraform via azure pipelines

let’s deploy terraform templates via azure pipelines
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my preparation for exam az-500, microsoft azure security technologies

let’s share the resources available to you to prepare the exam az-500
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ci/cd pipeline with azure devops to deploy any apps on kubernetes

let’s build and deploy a containerized app in kubernetes via azure pipelines
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helm chart management in ci/cd with acr and azure devops

let’s do ci/cd with your own helm charts, acr and aks via azure pipelines
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keda, event-driven containers for Kubernetes

let’s see what’s keda what it is in action
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security with microsoft azure

let’s go through all the security concept in azure to nurture your security posture
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windows containers with kubernetes 1.14

let’s see what does mean the graduation of the windows nodes support in k8s as stable
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deploying azure cognitive services as docker containers

let’s deploy azure cognitive services as docker containers
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azure devops pipeline container job with terraform

let’s leverage container job in azure pipelines for terraform
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grafana dashboards to monitor your azure services

let’s use grafana dashboard for your azure services through azure monitor
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azure devops - community launch event in quebec city

let’s talk about the new branding azure devops
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global devops bootcamp 2018

let’s see how the second edition of the global devops bootcamp 2018 was a success in quebec city
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global azure bootcamp 2018

let’s see how the global azure bootcamp 2018 was a success in quebec city
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