secure nginx ingress controller behind cloud armor

let’s see how we can secure our nginx ingress controller behind an l7 https load balancer and cloud armor
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sail sharp, 8 tips to optimize and secure your .net containers for kubernetes

let’s go through 8 tips to optimize and secure your .net containers for kubernetes, based on my contributions to the online boutique sample apps
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chainguard nginx container image

let’s see what are the advantages of using a chainguard container image, with nginx
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kyverno, kubernetes native policy management

let’s see the capabilities of kyverno to manage policies in kubernetes cluster
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2022 in review, first year in devrel

let’s review my first year as devrel engineer in 2022, all about kubernetes
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sigstore’s cosign and policy-controller with gke and kms

let’s see how we could sign our own private container images with sigstore’s cosign and then how to only allow them to be deployed in our gke cluster thanks to sigstore’s policy-controller
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validating admission policies, the future of kubernetes policies

let’s see how to use the new validating admission policies feature in kubernetes 1.26+ and what it brings for the future of kubernetes policies
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use google cloud memorystore (redis) with the online boutique sample

let’s see how to use google cloud memorystore (redis) with the online boutique sample.
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online boutique’s helm chart, illustrate advanced scenarios with service mesh and gitops

let’s see how we could deploy advanced scenarios of the online boutique sample via its helm chart with service mesh and gitops, in order to improve its security posture
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grpc health probes with kubernetes 1.24+

let’s see how we could leverage the new kubernetes 1.24+ grpc health probes features with the onlineboutique sample apps
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use google cloud spanner with the online boutique sample

let’s see how to use google cloud spanner with the online boutique sample.
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deploying gatekeeper policies as oci artifacts, the gitops way

let’s see how to deploy gatekeeper policies as oci artifacts, thanks to oras, google artifact registry and config sync
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ci/gitops with oci artifact, github actions, google artifact registry and config sync

let’s see how to do the ci/gitops workflow with oci artifacts, github actions (using workload identity federation), google artifact registry and config sync (using workload identity)
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ci/gitops with helm, github actions, google artifact registry and config sync

let’s see how to do the ci/gitops workflow with helm charts, github actions (using workload identity federation), google artifact registry and config sync (using workload identity)
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ci/gitops with helm, github actions, github container registry and config sync

let’s see how to do the ci/gitops workflow with helm charts, github actions (using pat token), github container registry and config sync
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seamlessly encrypt traffic from any apps in your mesh to memorystore (redis)

let’s see how to use anthos service mesh to seamlessly encrypt traffic between any apps and memorystore (redis).
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gitops with oci artifacts and config sync

let’s see how to do gitops with oci artifacts, artifact registry and config sync
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gitops with config controller

let’s see with config controller how we could set up a gitops approach to actually deploy kubernetes manifests
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config controller in action

let’s see with config controller how we could build a secure platform allowing to deploy gcp resources via kubernetes manifests
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istio tls origination to secure memorystore (redis) access

let’s see how we could secure the access of memorystore (redis) via istio tls origination, without changing any code in the application
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gke and anthos in 2021, a year of innovations

let’s see what was announced and released around gke and anthos in 2021
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lessons learned from the log4shell cves

let’s see what we could learn on a kubernetes point of view from the log4shell cves
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distroless asm proxy

let’s see how to improve our security feature by leveraging the distroless asm proxy image
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crfa v2 with asm

let’s see how the new crfa v2 is leveraging asm
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istio sidecar to reduce istio proxy resource consumption

let’s see how you could leverage the istio sidecar to reduce istio proxy resource consumption
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opa gatekeeper and policy controller during continuous integration (ci) pipelines

let’s see how to shift left on security by catching opa gatekeeper policy violations during continuous integration (ci) pipelines.
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secure your apps and your cluster with anthos service mesh

let’s see how you could protect and secure both your apps and your cluster with anthos service mesh (asm)
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gke cos version

let’s see how to get the cos version of your gke nodes
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mix both internal and external load balancers to expose your crfa services

let’s see how to setup both external and internal load balancers to expose your services in the same crfa cluster
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cloud armor to protect your apps deployed on gke

let’s see how you could protect your apps deployed on gke against denial of service and web attacks
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ebpf and cilium, to bring more security and more networking capabilities in gke

let’s see ebpf and cilium on gke and how they are bringing more security and networking capabilities
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opa gatekeeper with policy controller

let’s see in actions how we could easily leverage opa gatekeeper on any kubernetes cluster via policy controller
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fasten your seatbelt, and turn autopilot mode on

let’s see in actions the new gke’s autopilot mode
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gitops on gke with config sync

let’s see gitops in actions with gke’s config sync
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vertical pod autoscaler

let’s discuss about the vertical pod autoscaler and how it could help setting your Kubernetes resources request and limits.
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advanced continuous integration pipeline for containers

let’s setup an advanced continuous integration pipeline for containers
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my capture the flag (ctf) and kubecon na 2020 experiences

let’s see what I have learned during my first kubecon conference as well as my first capture the flag (ctf) experience to improve my knowledge about security with containers and kubernetes.
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online boutique demo

let’s see how to deploy the online boutique solution on gke, w/ or w/o workload identity
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binary authorization on gke

let’s see how you can only run what you trust (tl;dr whitelisted registries and signed containers) on gke with binauthz
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demo bank on gke

let’s see how to deploy the demo bank (aka bank of anthos) solution on gke, w/ or w/o workload identity
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confidential computing with gke

let’s see how easy it is to enable confidential computing on a gke cluster
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gke’s service account

let’s discuss about how to deal with gke’s service account and few tips to improve your security posture, especially with fine-grained identity and authorization for applications with workload identity
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container native networking

let’s see how gcp brings unique and true container native networking with gke
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application modernization at google next onair 2020

let’s see in details what is google next onair 2020 and more specifically what you should watch on an application modernization standpoint
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cloud operations with gke

let’s see how to leverage google cloud operations (aka stackdriver) with gke
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build and deploy a containerized app on gke with cloud build

let’s see how to use google cloud build to build and deploy a containerized app on gke
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my second week with gcp

let’s share some learnings during my second week leveraging gcp, focused on gke
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my first week with gcp

let’s share some learnings during my first week leveraging gcp, tools and services like linux on my pixelbook, gcloud cli, docker, git, service account, gcr, cloud run, app engine and kubernetes engine
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advanced aks cluster setup with terraform

let’s see advanced terraform templates around my aks cluster setup
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setup a performant aks cluster

let’s highlight tips & tricks about the setup of an aks cluster to make it more performant as its getting more and more containers at scale
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hello, cloud native hugo blog!

let’s discuss why my new blog is a containerized hugo website hosted on kubernetes
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container security context on kubernetes

let’s add more security context to your containers on kubernetes
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private aks and private acr, safer you are

let’s setup azure private endpoint for both azure kubernetes service (aks) and azure container registry (acr)
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my own custom and private azure pipelines agent as a docker container

let’s build a custom linux container image as an azure pipelines agent
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buildah, a tool to facilitate building oci container images

let’s build your own oci container images with buildah
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podman, a daemonless container engine

let’s have a look at podman, a daemonless container engine
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flexible kured deployment with its helm chart

let’s be more flexible while deploying kured thanks to its helm chart
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my bot just became a cloud native app

let’s leverage docker, helm, kubernetes and terraform to make your bot app more cloud native
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helm 3 is out

let’s go through the latest and greatest of helm 3
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ignite 2019, what’s new with containers and kubernetes on azure?

let’s see what has been announced around the containers technologies at the microsoft ignite conference 2019
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kubernetes network policies, how to secure the communications between your pods

let’s secure the communications between your pods with calico kubernetes network policies
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ci/cd pipeline with azure devops to deploy any apps on kubernetes

let’s build and deploy a containerized app in kubernetes via azure pipelines
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helm chart management in ci/cd with acr and azure devops

let’s do ci/cd with your own helm charts, acr and aks via azure pipelines
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keda, event-driven containers for Kubernetes

let’s see what’s keda what it is in action
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windows containers with kubernetes 1.14

let’s see what does mean the graduation of the windows nodes support in k8s as stable
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