kyverno, kubernetes native policy management

let’s see the capabilities of kyverno to manage policies in kubernetes cluster
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2022 in review, first year in devrel

let’s review my first year as devrel engineer in 2022, all about kubernetes
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sigstore’s cosign and policy-controller with gke and kms

let’s see how we could sign our own private container images with sigstore’s cosign and then how to only allow them to be deployed in our gke cluster thanks to sigstore’s policy-controller
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validating admission policies, the future of kubernetes policies

let’s see how to use the new validating admission policies feature in kubernetes 1.26+ and what it brings for the future of kubernetes policies
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deploying gatekeeper policies as oci artifacts, the gitops way

let’s see how to deploy gatekeeper policies as oci artifacts, thanks to oras, google artifact registry and config sync
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config controller in action

let’s see with config controller how we could build a secure platform allowing to deploy gcp resources via kubernetes manifests
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opa gatekeeper and policy controller during continuous integration (ci) pipelines

let’s see how to shift left on security by catching opa gatekeeper policy violations during continuous integration (ci) pipelines.
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opa gatekeeper with policy controller

let’s see in actions how we could easily leverage opa gatekeeper on any kubernetes cluster via policy controller
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