Monitor policies violations

Apps Operator Apps Operator Duration: 5 min | Persona: Apps Operator

In this section, in the Google Cloud Console you will monitor the Policy Controller’s policies violations for the GKE cluster in the Tenant project.

Initialize variables:

source ${WORK_DIR}

Click on the link displayed by the command below:

echo -e "${TENANT_PROJECT_ID}"

On the default Dashboard tab, you will find something similar to:

Policy Controller Dashboard UI for GKE cluster Policy Controller Dashboard UI for GKE cluster

Then if you go on the Violations tab, you will find something similar to:

Policy Controller Violations UI for GKE cluster Policy Controller Violations UI for GKE cluster

At the end of the workshop, we have fixed all the violations, but here below is an example of how a violation shows up:

Policy Controller Violations UI example for GKE cluster Policy Controller Violations UI example for GKE cluster